Update Settings API Documentation


    The Update Settings API allows clients to update settings in the database. If a key from the request data is not found in the existing table, a new column with the same name as the key will be added to the existing table, and its value will be updated accordingly.


    Method: POST
    URL: /update-settings

    Request Body

    The request body should be a JSON object containing key-value pairs representing the settings to be updated.


        "use_proxy": "", // 'Use proxy from settings'
        "timeout": 30,
        "proxy_mode": "global" | "country", 
        "change_proxy_on_fail": true,
        "proxy_change_attempts": 3,
        "batch_size": 10,
        "log_to": "file+console",
        "default_browser": false,
        "floodwait": 10,
        "peer_flood": 10,
        "local_port": 3000,
        "log_folder": "log_folder",


    200 OK: The settings were updated successfully. 500 Internal Server Error: An error occurred during the update process.

    Example Response (200 OK)

        "text": "Settings updated successfully",
        "updated_settings": {
            "setting1": "value1",
            "setting2": "value2",

    Example Response (500 Internal Server Error)

      "error": "Error updating settings: <error_message>"