Name | Endpoint | data/json

    • remove about/bio -> /profile-name-bio-change -> {bio_file: false}
    • sex change -> /add-json-data -> {"data":{"sex": "male"}}


    • check for ban -> /login -> {"account_path}... FIXME: wallet /start
    • check for limits -> /check-spambot -> ...

    Setting Up accounts

    • set photo -> /profile-pic-upload

    • delete photo -> /profile-remover-pic

    • update photo -> TODO: current profile pic -> download -> local folder save

    • set names /profile-name-bio-change -> ("account_folder", "btach size", "total_account_to_use","change_name bool")

    • set usernames /profile-username-change -> ("account_folder", "btach size", "total_account_to_use","change_username")

    • remove usernames /profile-username-change -> ("account_folder", "btach size", "total_account_to_use","remove_username")

    • set bio /profile-bio-change -> ("account_folder", "btach size", "total_account_to_use","bio_file")

    • set gender /profile-name-bio-change -> ("account_folder", "btach size", "total_account_to_use","gender", "locales" )

    • delete bio -> json avatar key


    • set 2-FA /profile-2fa-change -> ("account_folder", "btach size", "total_account_to_use","change_2fa")

    • REMOVE 2-fa /profile-2fa-change -> ("account_folder", "btach size", "total_account_to_use","remove_2fa")

    • get authorization code

    • close third party sessions

    • maintain account online

    privecy settings

    • Open invite /profile-no-invitor -> ("account_folder", "btach size", "total_account_to_use","no_invite: true")

    • close invite /profile-no-invitor -> ("account_folder", "btach size", "total_account_to_use","no_invite: false")

    • show phone /profile-hide-number -> ("account_folder", "btach size", "total_account_to_use","hide_number: true")

    • hide phone /profile-hide-number -> ("account_folder", "btach size", "total_account_to_use","hide_number: false")

    • add role


    • rest proxy
    • reset in work status


    • active

    • Temporary spamblock

    • eternal spamblock

    • Archive

    • Deleted

                                Default Settings
    • use proxy (it should be in dropdown)

    • timeout (int)

    • change proxy if account faild (Bool)

    • number of proxy change attempt (int)

    • streams number (int)

    • delay (int)

    • active gpt module (bool)

    • log (dropdown)

    • disable default browser (bool)

    • antibot (bool)

    • delay searching sms from bot (int)

    • floodwait (int)

    • peer flood (int)

    • wait after applying for membership (int)

    • local port (int) -change_proxy_on_fail BOOLEAN DEFAULT False, -proxy_change_attempts INTEGER DEFAULT 3, -streams_number INTEGER DEFAULT 1, -delay INTEGER DEFAULT 0, -active_gpt_module BOOLEAN DEFAULT False, -disable_default_browser BOOLEAN DEFAULT False, -antibot BOOLEAN DEFAULT False, -delay_searching_sms INTEGER DEFAULT 10, -floodwait INTEGER DEFAULT 10, -peer_flood INTEGER DEFAULT 10, -wait_after_membership INTEGER DEFAULT 10, -local_port INTEGER DEFAULT 10