Change Name and Bio API Documentation


    The Change Name API allows clients to update their name on Telegram.


    Method: POST
    URL: /profile-name-change

    Request Body

    • change_name (Boolean, optional): Specifies whether to change the name and bio.

    • gender (String or List, optional): Specifies the gender for the new name. Options include "M" (male) or "F" (female).

    • locales (List, optional): Specifies the locales to use for generating fake data.

    • folder (String, required): The folder containing the accounts to be checked for spambots.

    • phones (List, required): The list of phones to be checked

    • male_ratio (INTEGER, optional): the ratio between males and females. It specifies the ratio of and remaining automaticaly assign to other gender.

    • full_name_ratio (INTEGER, optional): It specifies the ratio of above specified ratio and remaining automaticaly assign to other gender.

    Example Request Body

        "change_name": true | false,
        "gender": "M | F",
        "locales": ["en_US"],
        "folder": "active",
        "phones": ["123456789", "123456780"],
        "male_ratio": 50, // means 50% male ( rest female)
        "full_name_ratio": 50, // means 50% will have full-name ( rest will have first-name)

    Locales list
